Our finances and giving

How is Christ Church funded?

Many people may not know how Christ Church finances the running of all the things that take place in our church. The short answer is that most – 75% or so – of our annual costs is given by the members who come to the church. The remainder is income from the users who hire the church hall or other parts of our buildings.

Without the generosity of the church family and supporters we would be unable to run all the things that we presently do; let alone grow our activities and support. Our central vision is to advance God’s Kingdom by seeking to know Christ better and to make Christ better known.

Our finances are under particular pressure at the present time. The 2024 Budget has projected expenses of approx. £259K but current income of £221K so we are projecting a deficit. So please help us if you can.    

What do we need to fund: the Core Expenses

Our people
Clergy: our full-time clergy, the Vicar and Curate, are employed by the Guildford Diocese, part of the Church of England. The Diocese raises a levy, known as the Parish Share, from the various parishes in the Diocese. Further details can be obtained from the Diocesan website. The aim of the Parish Share is for each parish to cover the direct costs of its clergy and to contribute towards the other Diocesan and National church costs. Christ Church pays a Parish Share (£100K) on this basis. We also fund the various expenses incurred by our clergy in their work and are presently seeking to fund the cost of employing a Children & Families worker and Worship Leader (£40K overall). Parish office: £34K we employ a Parish Administrator, who is the central hub for the running of the Parish office. She is a key support for both the clergy and for many of the other essential tasks in the day to day operation of the church. In addition, we fund the necessary equipment and services such as computers, copier / printers, telephones, internet and stationery.

Our Buildings: £55K         
We need to maintain, repair and periodically renovate the fabric of and installations in the Church itself, the Church Hall, Church House and flat and our house in Ivor Close (where the curate lives). In addition there is heating, lighting and insurance to be paid for in order to use the buildings.

As and when funds allow, we need to continue our programme to upgrade our facilities. Over recent years this has included: re-ordering the Church for more flexible use; installing a screen and new sound system in Church; replacing the boilers for the hall, Church House and Church; landscaping the garden behind the hall to create a play area for the children; and adding new disabled access ramps to the Church. But there is still much more we want to do.

Mission and Outreach:    £20K
Christ Church has a policy of donating 10% of its own regular gifted income to a range of other Christian based charities, local and international, to support their work. In addition, we fund other expenses for our outreach activities, including the expenses of various groups operating from the church such as Open Hands (for adults with learning disabilities) and a range of children and youth activities

Giving to Christ Church:

If you are able to support us financially in our mission and work we would greatly appreciate your help. Below is a link to our webpage on the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) which has options for one off gifts and regular giving. 

If you are a taxpayer we can claim back the standard rate tax on your gift, increasing the value of your gift by 25% at current rates, provided that you complete the GiftAid declaration on the PGS site.

If you need any further information, or would like to discuss giving, then please contact Ray Bell our Giving Secretary, whose details are below, or contact the Parish office.

Ray Bell
Giving Secretary
