Safeguarding Policy

The Church of England safeguarding responsibilities for parishes are outlined in the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance.  A Parish Safeguarding Handbook has been published to support the day to day work of parishes. This Handbook can be found by clicking here. We adhere to the Guildford Diocese Safeguarding Policy which incorporates the House of Bishop’s Safeguarding Policy and Guidance. If you wish to see more detail of the Diocese Safeguarding policies please click here. We  have adopted the Church of England’s House of Bishops’ Promoting a Safer Church Safeguarding Policy which can be found by clicking here and our PCC Statement is displayed in the church, Church House and Hall, or you can download our Safeguarding Policy here.

Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

If you are concerned that a child or an adult is, or may be, at risk of abuse this should be reported immediately (and certainly within 24 hours) to the Church Safeguarding Officer or the clergy listed here.
If it is a non-emergency situation you can report this either in person or telephone to the Safeguarding Officer or clergy, and they will then contact the Diocese Safeguarding Officer and ensure that we respond appropriately. We will do everything we can to support the person at risk.
If it is an Emergency situation, and you believe the child or adult is in immediate danger of significant harm, then you should call 999 before reporting it to the Safeguarding Officer or clergy.