Church life 


Let’s be honest. Following many years of amazing work with our 0-11s, we took a hit with the pandemic and we are having to rebuild our work with this age group. So if you are looking for an established children’s work, that is not us at present, but that does not mean that we don’t aspire to see thriving toddler and children’s groups again at Christ Church, and we can guarantee that you will be welcomed, encouraged and cared for because that is what we do best at Christ Church!

We do run a holiday club each summer with games, craft, drama and bible stories so check our website from May onwards for details of how to book. This year we also have a light party in October which can be booked through our events page.


CUBE is our group for Years 10-13 and meets on a Sunday evening from 7-8.30pm after the service. Part social, part Bible-teaching, this is a great place to hang out with friends, have fun and go  deeper with God.


Life Groups

one of the best ways to develop friendships and support each other is by belonging to a Life Group. There you will find an opportunity to explore the Bible, ask questions, share life and pray together. The groups, ranging in size between six and twelve people, are held in homes. Some meet weekly, others fortnightly. Our key aim is to learn together in a way that will encourage us to mature as Christians as we get to know Jesus better and make Him better known. 

To find out more about joining a Life Group at Christ Church, contact our curate Joel :

Men’s Group

This is a group for guys who enjoy getting together to study the Bible and other social events. They meet each Sunday evening for Bible study in term-time from 7.30 – 8.30 pm, generally in a local home. For more details, please see the Men’s Group Programme or contact the Parish Office (01483 567072)


Thursdays @2 is our Senior’s group which meets twice a month in church often with a guest speaker and cake, lots of cake! This is a great place to catch up with friends and make new ones. Transport can be provided – please contact the Parish Office for more details (01483 567072)

Click here for the latest dates for Spring 2025

Open Hands

Open Hands is an amazing, friendly group who like to keep in touch and support one another in easily accessible worship and prayer. All are welcome especially those with learning disabilities and/or mental health difficulties. Friends, family and carers are welcome too. For more details, please see the Open Hands Programme

Any queries or if you fancy a chat, call Paula on 07501 080351 or email

New to faith

Not sure about God still? Was Jesus a real person? Why is the cross so important? Or just curious about what Christians’ believe? We all have questions and we would love to hear yours. 

Everyone is welcome at our services, and we try and explain what is happening as we go along, but if you are not sure about anything then do ask someone! 

But if you have deeper questions then we regularly run courses exploring faith. Contact office@christchurchguildford,com for more information.